Saturday, 15 November 2014

How to extract a song from a video clip

In last two articles we described how to download videos, but since this series of articles are dedicated to music, we will now describe how to extract music from the video clip. You can do the video to audio conversion with simple program called YouTube Video Downloader or with versatile VLC Player.

How to convert mp4 to mp3

To convert video to audio in YT Downloader, you specify three things: the file you are converting, conversion type to mp3 and destination folder.

How to convert video to audio with VLC player

In VLC Player the procedure is the same.

We specify the source file by clicking Add.

Specify conversion type by selecting Audio mp3 profile.

Specify the destination file by clicking Browse and entering the file name.

After pressing the Start button, VLC will play and convert the source file.

How to record archived television shows

In previous article we have explained how to record streaming media. In the following example we are going to explain how to find such media and record it the same way.

We will record the television show the same way as explained in previous article using VLC Player. To find the playback address of certain TV show we will use URL Helper.

Various companies put their videos on internet. In this example we are browsing radio and television archives of RTV Slovenia. The company has made some of their production available to watch in your browser (that is through http protocol), we are however looking for a way to watch their shows in VLC player through another protocol, a streaming protocol called rtmp.

How to find streaming address

We are going to use URL Helper to find a rtmp address. Run it as administrator.

Then play the video clip in your browser. URL Helper will detect all media that travels through your network card, among it our video clip.

We copy this information to Notepad to give it an extra touch, clear the garbage to get the correct rtmp address syntax. Study the picture to see how to obtain the correct syntax that will be compatible with VLC streaming media protocol.
(Right click on the picture and View Picture to enlarge it)

How to record archived television shows

Television show can now be recorded as explained in previous article.

Simply enter rtmp address to play the streaming media in VLC Player, then press record button.

How to record live television show

In this article we will show how to record a live television video clip using VLC Media Player. This method is possible if your television provider offers some protocol with which you can watch television on your computer. In our example the company that is selling internet, telephony and television offers their service to their subscribers through udp protocol. Such digital television is called IPTV which means Internet Protocol Television meaning it can be watched over Internet.

How to watch IPTV

First thing we had to do is find the forum with useful information and the playlist. We open that playlist with VLC Player and we can now browse and watch TV channels that we are subscribed to.

Playlist contains information of TV channels.

Streaming is a way TV signal is sent over internet.

A TV channel is streamed through it's udp address and this is how we connect to a certain channel.

How to record streaming video

To record a streaming video VLC Player has to be configured the following way.

Download location is specified.

Now that we configured VLC player, we can watch TV and record it by pressing record button. The recording is stopped by pressing stop button after which the recorded video clip is to be found in specified location.

Friday, 14 November 2014

How to record electric guitar and voice

It's been already explained in previous articles how to connect microphone and other devices to a computer and record the sound. In this article we will give an improved alternative explanation on how to record electric guitar and voice.

The mixer interface

Since the default microphone input on computer sound card is not very good, it is much better alternative to connect microphone through an amplifier. In our case this is Yamaha mixer with two inputs (guitar and microphone) whose signals are amplified and two outputs (phones and USB connection to a computer). The machine is called mixer because it mixes the loudness of the guitar and microphone into one stereo channel. The phones are optional, they have nothing to do with recording, they're just so you can hear how the sound is mixed altogether.

When you connect Yamaha mixer to a computer with USB connection, this connection gives it power supply and Windows Control Panel recognizes it as a new device. In Control Panel we have named this device Yamaha mixer and set it's recording volume levels to 100 %.


By the way, if you just want to listen to guitar and voice mix through computer speakers and not record it, this USB connection can provide that as well. That's why the connection is called universal (Universal serial bus), it serves all purposes. If this is the case, you can tell Windows to listen to Yamaha device and play the mixed sound.


How to record electric guitar and voice

 So now that we connected and configured Yamaha mixer, we can plug in the instruments.

There are about five input connectors that offer various combinations, two of them being ideal for connecting a piano keyboard later on.

In this example microphone is connected through mono jack that feeds both left and right channel, while guitar is connected through right channel.

After you've plugged in the instruments, you slowly increase their volume to find the right balance. You can tell with Audacity recording whether it is too loud or not.

How to record radio signals

How to record music from local radio stations

Radio is an old invention and local radio stations is what people usually listen to even today. Also called FM radio, which stands for frequency modulation radio, as it is a way radio transmitters send signal into the air. Your radio transistor has to have antenna to receive such radio signal, however the radio signal can't reach you anywhere as it weakens with distance, and if you're in a tunnel or behind the hill that is wider than the radio wavelength, your radio won't play.

You usually get strong enough signal from a local radio station, that is a station that has antenna in your town. In this example we will learn how to record music from local radio station as explained in the previous article. All you need is a radio receiver, like this one in the picture, connect it to your computer (phones output to computer line-in) and record it with Audacity via stereo mix.

How to record music from worldwide radio stations

There are dedicated antennas placed around the world that will capture their local radio signals and send it to internet. Not only radio stations, but any radio signals, from all ranges, from radio amateurs, walkie-talkies, extraterrestrial signals, atmospheric noise, etc...

To record music from radio stations around the world, you have to tune in into station and you can record it the same way as explained before. Next two pictures show WebSDR services from Australia and Slovenia. SDR stands for software defined radio receiver.

 (to enlarge the picture right click and click View picture)

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

How to record everything else

In previous two articles we explained how to set up Audacity to record from microphone and auxiliary line input. This way you can record various sources of sound such as microphone, web camera, electric guitar, gramophone, CD player, Hi-Fi, walk man, mp3 player, ... everything that can be connected to a computer through blue or pink connection and is therefore called input.

Output, on the other hand, is what computer puts out to speakers. Sometimes called stereo mix, as it mixes various inputs, it is pictured here as a yellow connection of a sound card. When you watch a movie on your computer, or you listen to an internet radio, play a video game, play virtual piano on a website, talk on Skype telephone, every sound basically that computer puts out, goes to this line.

In this article we are going to find out how to record that.

How to record digital out

First you have to enable stereo mix. It is well hidden in Windows.

Then you configure Audacity to recognize this newly found device called stereo mix (sometimes also called "digital out", or "wave out", or "what you hear").

Tell Audacity we will now record through this device.
In Audacity preferences "Software play through" option has to be disabled. This is to avoid feedback, you don't want to send to the speakers what is coming from the speakers again, as it could build up, become loud and damage your speakers.

Now after you've set up the new device, Audacity will hear anything that is coming from the speakers and you can record it.

The example

In next example we are going to record a piece of music this way. There is this web site of National library, where you can listen to some old music archives, but cannot download any music. So we visit this site, start recording with Audacity, and play some online music. Audacity will record it and we will be able to save it to mp3.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Acoustic guitar tuner

Among other standard equipment that one can connect to a computer is a microphone. To record sound you can either use web cam microphone or an ordinary one. In the following example we are going to use an ordinary little microphone of low quality which will help us tune an acoustic guitar.

The software we'll use is called Audio Tuner.

The acoustic guitar tuner software that we use will only hear an ordinary microphone input.

Because our mic is not very sensitive, once it is connected, it's volume has to be turned up. Here we amplify microphone to maximum. This time we don't have to worry about sound distortion, since we are only using it for tuning a guitar.

How to tune a guitar


To tune an acoustic guitar, you play a string and match it to desired frequency. Audio tuner software will display heard frequency in red color, which you then tune to match the green marker.